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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - answer


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~1 n 1 »REPLY« something you say when you reply to a question that someone has asked you  (I asked Janine what she thought, but I'm still waiting for her answer. | give (sb) an answer)  (You don't have to give them an answer straight away. | the answer is yes/no!)  (spoken)  (If it's money you're after again, the answer is no! | in answer to)  (In answer to your question, I think you can go.) 2 »TEST/COMPETITION ETC« something that you writes or say in reply to a question in a test, exercise, competition etc  (What was the answer to question 4?) 3 »INVITATION/LETTER ETC« a written reply to a letter, invitation, advertisement etc  (Did you ever get an answer to your letter?) 4 »PROBLEM« a way of dealing with a problem  (There are no easy answers to today's environmental problems. | be the answer to sb's problems/worries etc)  (If he could get a job it'd be the answer to all his worries.) 5 not get an answer to not get a reply when you telephone someone or call at their house  (I tried calling him all day but couldn't get an answer.) 6 sb's answer to someone or something that is considered to be just as good as a more famous person or thing  (Britain's answer to the Eiffel Tower) ~2 v 1 »REPLY« a) to say something to someone as a reply when they have asked you a question, made a suggestion etc  (I had to answer lots of questions about my childhood. | answer (that))  (When questioned, Hughes answered that he knew nothing about the robbery. | answer sb)  (How much was it? Come on, answer me. | Julie stared at him for a long time before answering.) b) to deal with someone's question in a satisfactory way  (You still haven't answered my question.) 2 answer criticism/charges/accusations etc to explain why you did something when people are criticizing you  (How do you answer the criticism that your government has done nothing to help the homeless?) 3 »TEST« to write or say the answer to a question in a test, exercise, competition etc  (Answer as many questions as possible in the time provided.) 4 answer the phone/door/a call to pick up the telephone when it rings or go to the door when someone calls 5 »LETTER« to send a reply to a letter, advertisement etc  (Simon got the job by answering an advertisement in the newspaper.) 6 »DO STH AS A REACTION« to do something as a reaction to criticism or attack  (The US answered by bombing North Vietnam.) 7 »DEAL WITH A PROBLEM« to be a way of dealing with or solving a problem  ("You can borrow my car if you like." "Well, that answers one problem.") 8 answer a description if someone answers a description, they match that description  (A man answering the police's description was seen entering the building.) 9 answer a need to provide something that is needed  ( USAGE NOTE: ANSWER WORD CHOICE answer, reply, respond,give an answer, get back to Answer is the usual v you use to talk about answering questions. Reply is used especially when you mention the actual words that were said I was so nervous I couldn't reply/answer. | "Not in the least", he replied. Respond is more formal and less common and often suggests that a criticism is being replied to So far, the travel agent hasn't responded to our complaint. If you give someone a piece of information they have asked for, such as a decision you have made, you give them an answer If we offer you the job, when could you give us an answer? If you think you can answer someone later but not at once, you say you will get back to them Sorry, I'll need to think about that and get back to you. GRAMMAR You answer (v) a question, advertisement etc., not to/at it. Normally you answer a person too. If you answer to someone, they are the person directly responsible for you in an organization, at work etc, and you have to explain to them if anything goes wrong or if you are not doing something properly. You give the answer (n) to a question or criticism, not of it. You get an answer (n) from someone, not of them. ) @~ back answer back phr v to reply in a rude way to someone that you are supposed to obey  (answer sb back)  (Don't answer me back young man!) @~ for answer for sth phr v 1 to explain to people in authority why you did something wrong or why something happened, and be punished if necessary  (The teachers must answer for their students' disgusting behaviour on the school trip.) 2 have a lot to answer for informal to be responsible for causing a lot of trouble  (That young man's got an awful lot to answer for.) 3 I can answer for him/her etc spoken used to say that someone will definitely do something  (I'm sure John will help us - I can't really answer for the others.) @~ to answer to sb/sth phr v 1 to give an explanation to someone, especially about something that you have done wrong  (Phipps answers to me and me alone.) 2 answer to the name of a) if a pet answers to a particular name, it comes when you call that name  (Their dog answers to the name of Fido.) b) to be called @
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  (answers, answering, answered) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When you answer someone who has asked you something, you say something back to them. Just answer the question... He paused before answering... ‘When?’ asked Alba, ‘Tonight’, answered Tom... Williams answered that he had no specific proposals yet. VERB: V n, V, V with quote, V that 2. An answer is something that you say when you answer someone. Without waiting for an answer, he turned and went in through the door... I don’t quite know what to say in answer to your question. = reply, response N-COUNT: also in N to n 3. If you say that someone will not take no for an answer, you mean that they go on trying to make you agree to something even after you have refused. He would never take no for an answer. PHRASE: with brd-neg 4. If you answer a letter or advertisement, you write to the person who wrote it. She answered an advert for a job as a cook. VERB: V n, also V 5. An answer is a letter that you write to someone who has written to you. I wrote to him but I never had an answer back... She wrote to Roosevelt’s secretary in answer to his letter of the day before. = reply, response N-COUNT: also in N to n 6. When you answer the telephone, you pick it up when it rings. When you answer the door, you open it when you hear a knock or the bell. She answered her phone on the first ring... A middle-aged woman answered the door. VERB: V n, V n, also V • Answer is also a noun. I knocked at the front door and there was no answer. N-COUNT: usu sing 7. An answer to a problem is a solution to it. There are no easy answers to the problems facing the economy... Prison is not the answer for most young offenders... N-COUNT: oft N to n 8. Someone’s answer to a question in a test or quiz is what they write or say in an attempt to give the facts that are asked for. The answer to a question is the fact that was asked for. Simply marking an answer wrong will not...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English andswaru (akin to Old Norse andsvar ~); akin to Old English and- against, swerian to swear — more at ante-  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. something spoken or written in reply to a question  b. a correct response knows the ~  2. a reply to a legal charge or suit ; plea; also defense  3. something done in response or reaction his only ~ was to walk out  4. a solution of a problem more money is not the ~  5. one that imitates, matches, or corresponds to another television's ~ to the news magazines Synonyms:  ~, response, reply, rejoinder, retort mean something spoken, written, or done in return. ~ implies the satisfying of a question, demand, call, or need had ~s to all their questions. response may imply a quick or spontaneous reaction to a person or thing that serves as a stimulus a response to the call for recruits. reply often suggests a thorough response to all issues, points, or questions raised a point-by-point reply to the accusation. rejoinder can be a response to a reply or to an objection a salesman with a quick rejoinder to every argument. retort implies a reaction to an implicit or explicit charge, criticism, or attack which contains a countercharge or counterattack she made a cutting retort to her critics.  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to speak or write in reply  2.  a. to be or make oneself responsible or accountable ~ for a debt  b. to make amends ; atone must ~ for his crimes  3. to be in conformity or correspondence ~ed to the description  4. to act in response to an action performed elsewhere or by another the home team scored first but the visitors ~ed quickly  5. to be adequate ; serve an old bucket ~ed for a sink  transitive verb  1.  a. to speak or write in reply to ~ a question ~ me  b. to say or write by way of reply ~ yes or no  2. to reply to in rebuttal, justification, or explanation ~ an accusation  3.  a. to correspond to ~s the description  b. to...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 something said or done to deal with or in reaction to a question, statement, or circumstance. 2 the solution to a problem. --v. 1 tr. make an answer to (answer me; answer my question). 2 intr. (often foll. by to) make an answer. 3 tr. respond to the summons or signal of (answer the door; answer the telephone). 4 tr. be satisfactory for (a purpose or need). 5 intr. (foll. by for, to) be responsible (you will answer to me for your conduct). 6 intr. (foll. by to) correspond, esp. to a description. 7 intr. be satisfactory or successful. Phrases and idioms answer back answer a rebuke etc. impudently. answering machine a tape recorder which supplies a recorded answer to a telephone call. answering service a business that receives and answers telephone calls for its clients. answer to the name of be called. Etymology: OE andswaru, andswarian f. Gmc, = swear against (charge) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  ответ; отклик; реакция ответный - call answer - hands-free answer - inquiry answer ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  ответ; реакция – automatic call answer – call answer – hands-free answer – inquiry answer – manual answer – multiple-key answer – query answer – subscriber's answer ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1. сущ. ответ, возражение, решение (вопроса) evasive answer — уклончивый ответ 2. гл. отвечать, соответствовать, подходить - answer for the consequences - answer in the affirmative - answer to the purpose ANSWER – answer to a summons – to answer in the affirmative – to answer in the negative – categorical answer – examiner's answer ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  "Энсер" ("Ответ") Наборы медицинских препаратов для определения беременности в домашних условиях; выпускается компанией "Картер-Уоллес" Carter-Wallace, Inc. ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. ответ; возражение favourable answer —- положительный ответ in answer to smth. —- в ответ на что-л; возражая на что-л. an answer in the affirmative —- положительный ответ to give an answer —- отвечать to have an answer —- получать ответ to vouchsafe no answer —- не удостоить ответом to teach foreign languages through questions and answers —- преподавать иностранные языки вопросно-ответным методом 2. ответное действие, реакция the answer was a volley of fire —- в ответ раздался залп his only answer was to walk out —- вместо ответа он вышел из комнаты 3. решение; ответ, объяснение to find the answer to smth. —- решить проблему чего-л., справиться с чем-л., победить что-л. prohibition might not be the answer —- запрещение спиртных напитков еще не решение проблемы the system is not necessarily the answer for these states —- данная система может оказаться неподходящей для этих стран 4. решение the answer to 3 x 17 is 51 3 —- х 17 равно 51 answer to a chess problem —- решение шахматной задачи 5. ответ, разгадка 6. равноценная, достойная замена this fictional spy is a French answer to James Bond —- шпион в этом французском романе вполне достоин своего коллеги Джеймса Бонда he has the reputation of being the American answer to Caruso —- у него репутация американского Карузо 7. юр. письменное объяснение ответчика по делу 8. муз. ответ Id: he knows all the answers —- он за словом в карман не...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  the helm naut. слушаться руля ANSWER the door открыть дверь (на звонок, на стук и т.п.) ANSWER to the name (of) откликаться на какое-л. имя ANSWER for the consequences отвечать за последствия ANSWER for  а) отвечать, ручаться, нести ответственность  б) заменять ANSWER back  а) дерзить, грубить (в ответ на замечание)  б) ответить ударом на удар; не давать спуску ANSWER a call  а) ответить по телефону  б) откликнуться на зов ANSWER (to) the description соответствовать описанию; совпадать с приметами ANSWER  1. noun  1) ответ - in answer to - know all the answers  2) решение (вопроса и т.п.)  3) возражение  4) math. решение (задачи)  5) leg. возражение ответчика Syn: rejoinder, reply, response, retort, riposte Ant: question  2. v.  1) отвечать, откликаться - answer the door - answer the phone - answer a call - answer to the name of  2) соответствовать; подходить to answer the description - соответствовать описанию  3) исполнять, удовлетворять - answer the helm  4) ручаться (for - за кого-л.); быть ответственным - answer for the consequences  5) возражать (to - на обвинение)  6) удаваться; иметь успех the experiment has not answered at all - опыт не удался  7) реагировать (to)  8) служить (в качестве или взамен чего-л.) a piece of paper on the table answered for a table-cloth - вместо скатерти на столе лежал лист бумаги - answer back - answer for Syn: see satisfy ANSWER the phone подойти к телефону ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. andswaru, from and- "against" + -swaru "affirmation," from swerian "to swear," reflecting the original sense of "make a sworn statement rebutting a charge." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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